Bloodbath Interview

I recently had chance to catch up with Per Eriksson aka Sodomizer before their performance at Bloodstock Open Air 2010, it was weird as Mikael didn’t have time for anyone really, but he was still sat behind us in a food tent chatting away to Sammy from roadrunner. We also had the chance to catch up with Martin Axenrot again, but we had interviewed him with Opeth, so it would have been a bit of overlap to speak to him to!

Sodomizer: Hi I’m Sodomizer from blood bath and I play guitar I guess (laughs).

Neil: Ok brilliant, thanks for taking the time to chat with us. Are you enjoying bloodstock so far?

Sodomizer: Yeah I was here last night working, did some guitar tech for Opeth last night, It was really busy, a lot of mess but it turned out good I think so”¦

Neil: The question I have got is that you play live for Katatonia as well how easy is it to transition from bloodbath to Katatonia style wise, because they are very different?

Sodomizer: not a problem really, no problem, Bloodbath is really easy stuff basically it’s really in our souls. It’s not something I have to sit down and focus on.

Neil: Did you find it an emotional outlet, what is it that you like about death metal so much?

Sodomizer: I think I like the brutality of it. Really rough. I like all kind of metal stuff as well but there’s something special about death metal I can’t put my finger on it but.

Neil: What are your main influences of bloodbath who do you think contributes to the style that you play?

Sodomizer: I wasn’t in the band from the beginning but basically I don’t listen to a lot of new death metal stuff soo it’s stuff I’ve been listening to as a kid like erm the old morbid angels stuff all death metal stuff.

Neil: So your last album was in 2008, what can we expect form bloodbath in the coming year or next year?

Sodomizer: I’m not really sure cause we have been talking about a new album and everything but erm.. nothing has been settled. The thing with bloodbath is we do what
we do when we have the time. So when the time is right it’s gunna be a new album.

Neil: so it seems that Sweden is one of the most influrencail places to come from in the metal scene, just seems that so many great bands just come out of Sweden..

Sodomizer: Yeah we have a lot of bands.

Neil: Do you have any idea why that is?

Sodomizer: I don’t know why? Maybe its so bring that people like to get into music stuff. I’m not sure.

Neil: Soo being in a band, what’s been the most metal moment of your career so far? What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen?

Sodomizer: I’ve seen a lot of crazy stuff on tour and erm, it’s a hard question, I just can’t seem to remember anything. I saw a guy got beaten up by a cop in Russia. He was sitting on the street and they jumped out of the car and beat the shit out of him. That kind of stuff .Brutal!

Neil: How would you describe Mikael in one word?

Sodomizer: (looks behind him towards Mikael and at in the loudest voice says) He’s a fucking wanker of course! Naw he’s a great guy.. Really, really professional and everything.

Neil: what kind of reaction do you get playing live from people?

Sodomizer: Really good, really, really good. We did a festival in Finland a few weeks ago and that was insane, I thought somebody would die actually. Heh. I don’t think anybody did but it came close.

Neil: Is it quite difficult for you to devote your time to more than one band or do you find that you spend more time on one band more than other or?

Sodomizer: Right now we spend more time on Katatonia of course.. I don’t get time for anything else right now!

Neil: Thanks for spending some time with us.

Sodomizer: No problem! Bye!

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