We were lucky enough to get a few tracks from <strong>Loathe</strong>’s upcoming album <strong>Despondent By Design.</strong>
Not a band that minces their words, Loathe are on the cusp of a new rung in their ladder. After having released three EPs over the last 5 years, their new, full length album, entitled Despondent By Design’ is currently being recorded and released sometime in the summer of 2010. On the live circuit, Loathe are a constant appearance, having not only crisscrossed the UK many times over, but shared stages with the likes of Evile, Detonation, Sabbat, K.O.Kaine, SevenYearsDead and Let ‘Em Burn.
Locally, on their island of Malta, the band is known as a heavyweight among the metal bands and has played some legendary gigs, including 2 headlining spots in the famous <strong>Extreme Maltese Metal summer Festival</strong>. Next on the agenda is another UK tour later in the fall and hopefully to touch European mainland shores in the next year.
A Heavy soul crushing song, with some real meat and power to it. a technical level of guitar often reserved for bands such as machine head, slayer, Children of bodom, Loathe pull it off with ease. Vocals are deep, growly and similar to Children of Bodom. All in all a good start to this pre release and a sign of good things to come.
A fast, instant mosh pit of a song, if ive ever heard one, keeping on track with the bands great sound, technical drumming, fast heavy riffs on guitar, and deep powerful vocals. The only thing lacking from the preview tracks is any solos, something we cant help but feel the tracks need.
<strong>This Respect</strong>
by now, with this band, if you havent got that their heavy, your honestly missing the point. Some technical ability shines through here, pinched harmonics, and a hint at a solo, that feels like it needs more to it, but still gets the job done.
Dont let the no real solo aspect put you off Loathe, their heavy soul-destroying metal is a refreshing sound compared to some of the newer stuff coming out these days, and are defiantly a band to keep an ear out for, they would be right at home at festivals such as hellfest, bloodstock and download.
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