The second part of James’s account of his stay in a field in Surrey for the delights of Redfest 2013. Saturday saw Bleed From Within headlining the Hype stage and, we must say James was only a little bit excited to see the new material off Uprising…
First on Saturday’s lineup for Rocksins to catch are A Room Swept White (7) who show promise through their post-hardcore tinged metalcore – it will be interesting to see how they have progressed in a few year’s time. Next up on the mainstage Rocksins are surprised yet again, this time by The Moulettes (8) who play folk heavily reliant on string instruments – something that adds a deeper dimension to their sound than your average Mumford and Sons copycat.
It’s a long wait for Empress (7) who, although interesting never quite seem to get going, perhaps due to the relative complexity of the music that they play. Next up Zico Chain (8) serve up this weekend’s helping of meat and potatoes hard rock and do so with gusto! It’s never going to be breaking barriers but when there are choruses this big does it really matter? James Cleaver Quintet (6) are frankly, disappointing. Last time Rocksins saw the JCQ was at last year’s Hevy Fest, where, although poor sound hampered their set the band put on a good enough show, climbing up on top of the stage and leaping into circle pits that sound issues didn’t really matter. This time around it’s the complete opposite – JCQ sound GREAT, they just look, well, bored and this boredom transfers across to an, at best largely apathetic audience. Apathetic audiences are never going to be a problem for Feed the Rhino (9) however who are, yet again astonishingly chaotic. Frontman Lee Tobin rocking the “mad preacher” look while the lack of guitarist Sam Colley, takes nothing from the pure chaos that inevitably erupts when ‘Tides’ kicks in.
Turbowolf (7) are predictably fun, their psychedelic rock’n’roll simple enough to latch onto but complex enough never to grow boring. Closing out the Hype Stage, Bleed From Within (9) are absolutely phenomenal. Despite a half empty tent (and plenty of spin-kicking wallies) the Scottish bruisers aren’t fazed in the slightest and power through a relentlessly bludgeoning set that culminates in a full-on wall of death during ‘Uprising.’
Thus ends Rocksins’ first trip to Redfest. It has to be said Redfest is one of the UK’s most impressive small festivals, and we are very much hoping it continues to go from strength to strength. We look forward to returning in 2014! Anyone who wants to keep an eye out for news of next years’ event can follow the official Redfest Twitter account at @Redfest