Rock Sins End Of Year Awards 2013: Lisa Fox

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In the latest instalment of Rock Sins end of year awards for 2013, we’ll hand you over to the very capable hands of Lisa to run you through what made her musical year in 2013. All yours Lisa….

2013 was an interesting year for me musically. I rediscovered my love of the classics (You Can’t Always Get What You Want by the Rolling Stones was my most listened to track of the year), I returned to Download Festival, I interviewed some of my favourite artists, and best of all, I made some awesome new musical discoveries! Have a look at my 2013 hi-lights below!

1) Album Of The Year – Black Veil Brides – Wretched and Divine: The Story of the Wild Ones

Black Veil Brides Wretched & Divine Album Cover

This will probably be a shock for the readers of my previous reviews. Before you say it, no I’m not 15 and no I’m not off my rocker. Despite the fact that everyone seems to have strong opinions about them, I am not a die-hard fan and I am not a hater. I quite simply enjoy the black-clad Californian’s known as Black Veil Brides, and found Wretched and Divine to be the album I listened to the most in 2013.  In today’s world of watered down metal and bland and boring screamo bands Black Veil Brides deserve respect for their musical vision and talented live performances. They are the band to influence a new generation to see the bigger musical scene, to step away from the Biebers and 1D’s of this world and to try something a little heavier, and frankly, a lot better.

2) Song Of The Year – Ghost B.C – Year Zero


I first heard this song played at Download 2013, the sun had been shining till clouds covered the sky as Ghost B.C performed Year Zero on stage. The song combines all of the band’s best points in the perfect song, from the choral chants to the harmonised verses which build perfectly in to soaring bridge. Papa Emeritus II is a charming and charismatic frontman and his voice is epic on this song, completed with catchy chorus and addictive riffs there is little more to say. It was my song of 2013.

3) Gig Of The Year – Finntroll, The Classic Grand, Glasgow, 1/10/2013


On a cold October night The Classic Grand was a mess of sweat, beer and face paint. The Finnish folk metallers proceeded to tear the crowd a new one. Technically, Finntroll sounded exactly like they do on record. In addition to that the band had great stage presence, and best of all, it was obvious that they had a lot of fun on stage. It was a delight to see face-painted trolls blasting out sinister carnival metal tunes in the middle of Glasgow on a Tuesday evening. I left feeling both exhausted and exhilarated, knowing that tonight, the trolls conquered all.

4) Festival Performance Of The Year – Rammstein at Download Festival

Rammstein on stage at Download Festival 2013 with Till Lindemann "cooking alive" Keyboard player Flake

It’s a well known fact that Download main man Andy Copping has been trying to book Rammstein to play Download for years. Finally they made it. Words escape us when trying to describe the spectacle was their performance but lets get one thing clear – Rammstein brought it! This incredible performance will live long in Download folklore and set a new standard for spectacle that will take some topping – bring on Download 2014!

5) Music Video Of The Year – Serpico – Screamager

Ok, so this may be nepotism at its best given that a certain Ms Fox makes a cameo in this video, but also it is an epic version of an epic song. London rockers Serpico made a welcome return with this rip roaring, all out rocking cover. Even Therapy? approved of the bands version, so there ya go. Enjoy!

[youtube id=”9oskxl2NwcY” width=”600″ height=”350″]

6) Most Disappointing Album Of The Year – Bullet For My Valentine – Temper Temper

Bullet For My Valentine 2013 Promo Photo

Before I begin getting all negative I just want you to know that I fucking LOVE Bullet For My Valentine. In fact, if anything this only contributed to my disappointment at 2013 album Temper Temper. It’s just meh, nothing particularly great about it, nothing particularly terrible about it. It evokes NO emotion in me, and that is my biggest problem with it. If I hated it, that would be something at least, if I adored it, that would be even better. In fact, its just a non entity. Not even worth any more words. 🙁

7) Band Of The Year – Heavens Basement

Heaven's Basement

2013 really was the year which rocketed Heavens Basement on to the rock music scene. Playing the second stage at Download, followed by a performance on the Acoustic Stage on Sunday, then an awesome performance on HMS Metal Hammer on Monday, had this been any other act I would have thought it overkill. With Heavens Basement though, I fell a little more in love with them every time.  The release of album Filthy Empire was a great start for the band, and welcomed Heavens Basement to the big boys table of UK rock – I recommend you get on board now because they’ll be going from the basement all the way to the top floor penthouse very soon!

You can follow Lisa on Twitter at @LisaFoxWrites. If you’d like to read the end of year awards by other members of the Rocksins team then there are links below here:

Sheldon’s End of year Awards 2013 (click here)
Stephen’s End of Year Awards 2013 (click here)
Iain’s End of Year Awards 2013 (click here)
Matt’s End of Year Awards 2013 (click here)
Jamie’s End of Year Awards 2013 (click here)
Sam D’s End of Year Awards 2013 (click here)
Fran’s End of Year Awards 2013 (click here)
James’ End of Year Awards 2013 (click here)

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