AC/DC Update: Attempt To Arrange Murder Charge Against Phil Rudd Has Been Dropped!

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After yesterday’s shocking announcement (which you can read here) concerning AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd being charged with an attempt to arrange the murder of two people, less than 24 hours later everything has changed. The case has now been reviewed by the prosecution and the charge of attempting to arrange a murder has now been dropped! A short comment from Greg Hollister-Jones, the prosecutor said that:

“There was insufficient evidence to proceed with the charge of attempting to procure murder”

Mr Rudd is still being charged with drug possession offences and with making threats to kill. Paul Mabey, Phil Rudd’s defence lawyer has already indicated that his client will be contesting the charge of making threats to kill and dismissed the drug possession offences as minor. Mr Mabey has also suggested that Mr Rudd may look to sue the police due to the personal damage the incident has and will have caused and that they are investigating “any possible remedies he may have”. The full story can be read once again on the BBC website on this link –

Phil Rudd will return to court on the 27th of November, less than a week before the release of AC/DC’s new album Rock or Bust on December 2nd. AC/DC did issue a statement yesterday afternoon following the original story breaking stating they had only just heard the news like everyone else and that the plans regarding the release of Rock or Bust or their subsequent forthcoming world tour would not be affected by these developments. Rock Or Bust is being released through Columbia Records.

Once again if there is any further news on Phil Rudd and AC/DC we will bring it to our readers.

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