An Interview with Connor From All Hail The Yeti!

All Hail The Yeti Band Promo Photo

All Hail The Yeti are currently ripping through Europe on tour with the mighty 36 Crazyfists. While they were in the UK, our Lisa took the chance to catch up with lead singer Connor Garritty. Over to you Lisa…

First off, how did the tour with 36 Crazyfists come about? You call them ‘Your Brothers’ on facebook – is there a history there?

 We did a US run with them back in November, with Skinlab and Incite, but we’ve also been good friends with them for a long time. 

This is your first time in Europe, what are you expecting? Are you nervous or just excited? What are you looking forward to most/least?

Honestly, we couldn’t be more excited!  I wouldn’t say nervous, but more anxious. We’re super ready for it!  I’ve heard so many stories of how responsive the fans are over here, so that was defiantly a thing we were looking forward to.  Also seeing new places and meeting new people. We’re very positive people and love to meet and party with as many cool people as we can!

Your last album came out in 2012, what have you had going on since then?

We’ve been touring pretty much nonstop since late 2012. Two tours with Hollywood Undead, two tours with In This Moment, plus shows with Motionless in White, Butcher Babies, Kyng, Devour the Day, Misery Signals, etc, so we’ve been keeping busy.

You’re releasing something new this year, what can you tell us about that?

Well, we’ve been writing pretty extensively for the last year. We have just finished a five song EP and we’re gonna shop that around to find ourselves a new label home. We’re very excited about the new songs and the overall vibe of the band.

You’ve said that you don’t want to be thought of as one of the many Hollywood bands, what was the thinking behind that?

It’s not so much that we don’t want to be thought of as a Hollywood band…we started the band there and Hollywood has been really great to us since the very beginning.  A lot of people pigeon hole bands from LA and Hollywood as pretentious assholes. We just don’t want to be thought of as ‘that’ type of band.

What inspires you musically?

I get inspired in so many different ways. Whether it be other bands or mythological creatures.  Sometimes old folklore and ghost stories help as well. It’s really hard to pinpoint.

Your tattoo work is amazing! You do a lot of Day of the Dead/ Skull based work. How much of that is based on your creative design versus the clients ideas? How do you put your own stamp on a tattoo design?

The Day of the Dead stuff is popular right now. I wouldn’t say I do a lot of it, but living in Southern California makes for a bit of Dia de Los Muertas inspired pieces. I try to push myself to do something challenging every time I start a new piece. I would like to think my work is my own style.

Tattooing has cropped up in different cultures for hundreds of years. Why, in your opinion, is metal music so linked with tattoos today?

I think that tattoos and rock n’ roll have always gone hand in hand. The whole rebel attitude, ‘fuck the system’ kind of a mentality.  Heavy metal has always been about that, for me anyway. 

What do All Hail The Yeti have going on for the rest of the year?

We’re finishing this tour with 36, then we head home to put the finishing touches on our new EP . Some further touring is being talked about but nothing solid that I can tell you right now.

Ok, so since the site is called Rock Sins, I usually ask bands- what has been your biggest rock sin? It can be anything from a sinful story, your favourite sin, a guilty secret or a secret shame!

I mean, ‘sin’ isn’t really a word for me. Sin has always been a Christian term to scare people into acting the way the religious leaders wanted.  All the ‘sins,’ are things that we should partake in, if we so desire.  We shouldn’t feel bad for it, or scared to be damned to hell.  My favorite ‘sins’ would be sex, drugs and rock and roll!!

Thanks for taking the time to chat and good luck on the tour!

It’s been my pleasure!  HAIL!!

Interviewed by: Lisa Fox


You can catch All Hail The Yeti on tour with 36 Crazyfists at any of the remaining UK tour dates:

Tue 17th Feb – LONDON Electric Ballroom

Wed 18th Feb – SOUTHAMPTON Engine Rooms

Thu 19th Feb – OXFORD O2 Academy

You can also follow All Hail The Yeti on Facebook at the following link –

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