I Killed The Prom Queen Detained In Malaysia Due To Visa Issues

I Killed The Prom Queen Band Promo Photo 2015

After the weekends tragic events, and Randy Blythe’s call to arms to not let terrorists affect our way of life (which you can read about in our review of Lamb of God and Megadeth at London’s Wembley Arena), this morning we’re reporting on slightly more standard news – though no less annoying for those affected. Australian metalcore outfit I Killed The Prom Queen have been detained in Malaysia over the weekend due to issues with Visa’s.

The band were due to play a show in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia on Saturday (14th of November) but instead found themselves being held in a Malaysian immigration detention centre. A series of Tweets from IKTPQ’s Jona Weinhofen detailed the situation as it unfolded – all because the promoter of the show didn’t organise Visa’s for the band. Thankfully about half an hour ago Jona tweeted simply to say “Freedom!” before stating the band were unlikely to return to Malaysia any time soon due to how events had played out.

Jona Weinhofen from I Killed The Prom Queen tweets about being detained in Malaysia (1 of 2)

Jona Weinhofen from I Killed The Prom Queen tweets about being detained in Malaysia (1 of 2)

For the latest on this please keep an eye on Jona’s Twitter account at @JonaWeinhofen. We’ll update our readers if there are any more twists to the story but at least it seems for know that Jona and the rest of I Killed The Prom Queen are on their way home.

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