Always a welcome sight on UK shores, Joey Jordison (of Slipknot and Murderdolls fame, just in case you’ve been under a rock for the last fifteen years and don’t know who he is) is heading this way. He’s bringing his brand new band, Vimic, to England for a short three date run at the end of March.
Want the lowdown? Then here’s Joey himself:
“Hello to all our fans in the UK! It’s about time, isn’t it? It’s been a long road getting here, but it’s finally arrived and we’re on our way soon. We are thrilled and excited to bring VIMIC’S music to you live, in the flesh and blood, and describe sonically what your support over the years means to all of us. This is going to be one hell of a run and a killer kick-off to the future! Thank you all!!!! We hope you’ll come out and join us, as you are just as much a part of the band as we are. We look forward to seeing you very soon. Let’s go!”
Full confirmation of the tour dates is as follows:
Vimic UK Tour March 2017
Tue 28th – London – Electric Ballroom
Wed 29th – Birmingham – Institute 2
Thu 30th – Manchester – Academy 2
Tickets are obtainable on the following link –
Vimic’s debut album, the spookily titled ‘Open Your Omen’, will follow soon after (exact date TBC). The first two singles from Open Your Omen, She Sees Everything and My Fate, can be enjoyed below: