Shortly after midnight last night, the Slipknot official mailing list sent out a very interesting email. The members of Outside The 9 received the following image:
Given that “Slipknot 2020” was flashing up on the big screens at Download, we’re willing to wager this is coming our way next year. For those of you who aren’t so keen on Countdown conundrum style word unscramblings, all the UK shows are at the start. By our calculations, the following cities may be getting a Slipknot invasion next year:
- Dublin
- Manchester
- Newcastle
- Glasgow
- Sheffield
- Nottingham
- Cardiff
- Birmingham
- London
Various other notable European cities are also present such as Olso, Helsinki, Berlin, Dortmund and Paris. We’ll leave you all to unscramble the rest. Incase anyone needs a reminder, or for those who weren’t there, you can check out this review of their incredible Download 2019 performance. Those who want to sign up to the Slipknot mailing list for future updates can do so at