Fever 333 – Wrong Generation

Fever 333 - Wrong Generation Album Cover Artwork

The Trajectory that Fever 333 have on been over the last 2 years is nothing short of remarkable. Signing with Roadrunner Records, dropping back to back releases and taking their message worldwide, no band in recent memory has made a bigger impact in such a short period of time.

They say great art is born from great pain, if that is the case Fever 333 will go down as some of the greatest artists of their time. They are the voices of a generation who is watching the world burn around them, realising they have the power to fight back.

Wrong Generation is a direct reaction as with all of Fever’s music to what is currently happening in the world. This is a ferocious and passionate body of work that comes out swinging the moment you press play.

Bite Back, Block is on Fire and You Wanted A Fight are the stand out tracks here. Full of punk energy, they are essentially a giant middle finger to the injustice people the world over are suffering. Even though they are about situation’s a little closer to home for the band, that doesn’t make them any less relatable to anyone who has found themselves in an unjust situation.

Walk Through the Fire Together and For the Record are two of the heaviest tracks in the bands canon, giving the EP one final blast of rage. The Last Time is a sombre piano lead track that takes things from their most explosive to their most vulnerable in the blink of an eye.

Supremacy closed things out an anthemic note with a hip hop infused pop tinged banger, allowing things to go out on a more optimistic note. Wrong Generation is Fever 333 at their most potent, antagonistic and their most powerful. With every new release Fever 333 continue to prove why they are one the most vital and important bands around and one that the world needs now more than ever.

Wrong Generation is out now Via Roadrunner

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