Press to MECO – Transmute

Press To Meco Transmute Album Cover Artwork

Following on from 2018’s critically acclaimed ‘Here’s to the fatigue’ Press to MECO have done it again with another phenomenal album. From start to finish it’s impossible not to be fully absorbed into the music; carefully paying attention to every note and lyric.

The road to Transmute hasn’t been an easy one for the Crawley based three piece. From wanting to throw it all in to producing their best work yet. There is no denying the care and love that has been poured into this album. Press to MECO have consistently created stand out music that you want everyone to know about; Transmute goes that extra mile.

In the run up to release we heard Another Day, Smouldering Sticks, Gold, and A Test of Our Resolve. All of which show off slightly different sounds the band have explored, all while maintaining that classic sound we adore of the guys. Going into the album with no expectations other than creating music for themselves, the pressure was off and the best possible outcome happened.

Opening the album with a short instrumental track filled with chimes and clashes sets up for the overall feel of the album, a truly show stopping experience. Listening to transmute feels like you’re attending a full on stage production. Giving you that emotion of diving straight into the most personal and intimate experiences of a person and exploring every element of their struggles.

Another day was one of the songs that felt like a defining point for Press To Meco. The track which left them at a cross roads about wanting to continue as a band. Exploring being at your lowest point and having an unbearable level of resentment towards dreams and relationships you should’ve long let go of.

A Test Of Our Resolve feels like the perfect song that matches how we’ve all been feeling for the last 18 months. Trying to relentlessly push through and feeling like you’re getting nowhere. Matched with the track is the perfect music video. Throughout we see the trio almost on auto pilot going through the motions of life and struggling to actually make any real change or movement. You really get the feeling of even if you manage to pull yourself up you’re coming out the other-side feeling truly battered and fragile. With a hugely catchy chorus, it’s one you’ll find yourself constantly singing. Toward the end of the track things slow right down before throwing you back to guitar riffs and drum beats that really pack a punch.

Baby Steps gradually builds you up from a calm introduction to an angry and worn out feeling. With the song building strong guitar riffs and fuzzy electro sounds in the background, its one that keeps you on your toes, bouncing from a song that could work perfectly fully acoustic to one you want to play as loud as possible and sing at the top of your lungs.

Gold is one of the stand out tracks on the album. With a significantly heavier vibe and screaming vocals you’re almost caught off guard. When released as a single, it was difficult to imagine how it would fit in and how the guys were keeping us guessing for what was going to be in store. Gold gives off a true sense of releasing all the frustration and anger; acting as almost a turning point in the journey you’re being taken on.

Although it’s hard to pick a favourite, Overdue stands out as one of the songs that will get stuck on repeat. Listening to the track you can’t help but be pulled in and feel reflective. It’s arguably one of the most ‘relatable’ tracks on the album. Even being one of the slower tracks, it still holds it’s own with loud moments. With an overriding theme throughout the album of self reflection and almost self pity, Overdue feels like that peak moment in a character arc where theres a true turning point.

Hesitation stands out as another song that fully captures you. Transmute as an album is solidly put together and this closing track gives it the perfect ending. Completely rounding off the 13 tracks it truly captures the sense you’ve been through a journey with Luke, Jake, and Lewis.

Even without explicitly highlighting music industry struggles, with each track you can definitely sense a huge feeling of burnout and uncertainty. Transmute as an album is full of character and feels more than just a body of music. It gives a true sense of community and coming together to overcome those struggles of tirelessly persevering. Despite a definite theme of pessimism you’re left feeling strangely optimistic and ready to keep trying.

Transmute is an album that deserves your time and undivided attention. The order of the tracks flows beautifully, feeling like every bit of care has gone into the sequence to truly give you an experience you’ll want to keep coming back to. Throughout theres the perfect balance of loud and shouty moments, blended elegantly with stunning harmonies and slower tracks to give you a moment to truly reflect. One of the most exciting thoughts is knowing how good each song will sound live. The atmosphere of live music is one that makes you feel alive, and Transmute will only accelerate that feeling As a whole the album shows off a hugely diverse range of sound and skill. It’s one that you know literal blood, sweat, and tears went into to. At the end of listening to the album feels like you’re hitting the reset and making steps forward.

Check out Transmute below!

The new Press To MECO album, Transmute, is out now on Marshall Records. Pick up a physical copy directly from Marshall Records on this link.

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