Supergroups eh? If ROADRUNNER UNITED taught us anything, it’s that a band is the sum of its parts. There is no Robb Flynn helmed track on that album that’s as good as any MACHINE HEAD song (except maybe The Dagger), there’s no Matt Heafy put together track as good as any TRIVIUM tune (except maybe In The Fire)… you get the point.
So why have THE DEAD DAISIES endured for the last decade? Is it the ever changing line-up? Forgetting the past and focusing on founding and only consistent member David Lowy’s latest offering, Radiance sees essentially a stripped down THE DEAD DAISIES with just four members; returning drummer Brian Tichy, longest serving lead guitarist Doug Aldrich and now singing bassist Glenn Hughes – but just as much raucous noise.
Opening with Face Your Fear, Hughes is in fine voice and the staccato mine riff drives the song, while Hypnotize Yourself takes until the chorus to really get your attention. The aforementioned Hughes seems to be trying to prove the late great Chris Cornell wasn’t the only who could do that. Hypnotize Yourself comes with a vocal melody that could almost be a sample of Cochise from the days of AUDIOSLAVE.
With a band built almost solely on the reputation and songwriting abilities of those from yesteryear, you could be forgiven for expecting an album full of cheesy throwbacks and oh-so-familiar sounds and tropes, but there’s none of that here.
Shine On is just as relevant as anything THOSE DAMN CROWS are doing today and the title track itself could have been written by BLACK STONE CHERRY.
Put simply, there are no weak tracks on this album that literally anyone with a passing interest in rock could enjoy and not in a NICKELBACK way, but it’s difficult to say if the band itself is growing stronger from previous releases with so many different writers and performers along the way.
Radiance is available now via SPV.
For more information on THE DEAD DAISIES, like their official page on Facebook.