“It was never a phase” – one of the stand out lines from Simple Plan’s Pierre Bouvier at the Birmingham show on this throwback emo-filled tour, where both young and elder emos were treated to classics from Simple Plan and Mayday Parade, as well as some pop punk action from State Champs and AirYel.
If Mayday Parade ending their set on ultimate classic Jamie All Over and State Champs bouncing about stage letting us get our angst out to All You Are Is History wasn’t enough, Simple Plan gave a jam-packed set including classics such as Welcome To My Life, Perfect, Jump and I’m Just A Kid, as well as a fun melody consisting of Smash Mouth’s All Star, The Killers Mr Brightside, and fellow Canadian Avril Lavigne’s Sk8r Boi. They also brought members of all bands back out on stage for various collaborations and Pierre even took to the drums, while drummer Chuck got a little closer to the crowd.
Tonight was proof that it really was never a phase and photographer Jemma Dodd was there to capture it all – check out the photo gallery from the night below:

Mayday Parade gallery:

State Champs gallery