Mastodon – Hushed And Grim
“I turn the grief to medicine”. For so many artists, pain is the lynchpin of creating works that will stand the test of time.
“I turn the grief to medicine”. For so many artists, pain is the lynchpin of creating works that will stand the test of time.
It is as close to unmitigated brilliance as one could hope for on a debut solo effort.
Haggard Cat, have announced their new EP, Cheer Up which will be independently released on September 3rd 2021.
Few bands are as exceptional as Black Peaks. That’s a curt and hyperbolic statement, but a justified one.
To build a legion of loyal fans in the 10s and 20s, a band has to consistently improve and build upon already stellar foundations.
Though it retains the inimitable and sincere ethos of the scene that birthed them, ultimately, Palm Reader are now more than “just hardcore”.
In 2020, Mr. Bungle find themselves in an enviable position. For the uber-long-term die-hards of the avant-garde collective hearing these tracks re-recorded with a modern production will be like all their Christian holidays of choice coming at once.
Trading between dark Alcest vibes, extremity and depressed, ethereal clean passages, the first song on the debut Hidden Mothers EP may seem like it throws too many things at the wall to see what sticks. Incongruous tempo changes, a harsh differentiation between instrumental dynamism and a chiaroscuro that seems a little out of whack. On…
Napalm Death’s penchant for noisiness is well documented. From their grinding, genre-creating debut LP, Scum, to the groove that has defined much of their post-millennium career, the band’s harnessing of auditory terrorism has seen many facets wrangled into borderline perfection.
Steve Von Till is a man deserving of the legendary status. From his work with post-metal progenitors, Neurosis, to his experimentation in Tribes of Neurot, his eponymous work as well as that as Harvestman, Von Till commands respect with his deep understanding of the musical styles.