Stephen Hill

Totally furious, supposedly funnyman. Repping for Metal, Hardcore, Portsmouth FC, Cats and the Back To The Future trilogy. Come look at photo's of me trying to looking silly and other stuff at

    Black Sabbath – 13

    There’s pressure to perform and then there is pressure to perform. Before discussing the relative merits of a NEW Black Sabbath album let’s examine the facts; this is an album by the inventors of an entire genre that has developed over the years into a sub-culture/way of life, it’s their first under the name since…

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      Airbourne – Black Dog Barking

      How you feel about Airbourne, and a new Airbourne album, is really dependant on your point of view regarding the merits of music’s necessity to expand and evolve. If you think that artists should explore new avenue’s and reinvent themselves on each new release then this is not for you. If, however, you know what…

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        Palm Reader – Bad Weather

        Ever since the early noughties hardcore boom the genre has become a viable path into the rock world mainstream rather than a DIY reaction to it. For the United Kingdom the arrival, and wonderfully surprising, success of Gallows may have seemed as if it were to be the peak of the story. What actually happened…

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          Crossfaith – Zion E.P

          For those of you with more, ahem, “traditional” tastes Crossfaith are going to annoy and possibly upset you quite a large amount, if you are the sort of person that feels it is your duty to wage war on “False Metal” on internet forums the world over then set your phasers to Troll and point…

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            Clutch – Earth Rocker

            The esteemed director Quentin Tarantino recently commented that it doesn’t matter how each of his individual films are received, but how his whole body of work is considered. It’s also true of bands. One poor album can consign you to the scrapheap even if you’ve put out gem after gem previously. The rope around Clutch’s…

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              The Bronx – IV

              Over the course of three stellar albums The Bronx have positioned themselves as the go to guys for the Punk purists pursuit of danger, unpredictability and raw, scathing noise. With such a compelling back catalogue it could be argued that if any modern Punk band deserve a shot at wider mainstream acceptance and approval then…

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