Download Festival 2014 Header

Download Festival 2014 Preview – Saturday

Middle Saturday. The day where attendees to Download are generally still going strong (in some cases just about) as we all head into the second day of rock and metal goodness. This year’s Middle Saturday in particular has a veritable smorgasbord of bands of all genres to be enjoyed. But before diving in, please check…

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Behemoth - 'The Satanist'

    Behemoth – ‘The Satanist’

    Well, surely it goes without saying this was always going to be a raw, absolute behemoth. Turns out it’s in parts slower, broodier and yet with equal apocalyptic darkness as past offerings. Proceedings begin with a fire that descends almost literally into Hell itself. Absolutely captivating and intriguing, I wait for the rest of the…

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    Behemoth Frontman Adam “Nergal” Darski Undergoes Bone Marrow Transplant

    At Rocksins we’ve been trying to keep our readers as up-to-date as possible on Adam Darski, better known as Nergal from Behemoth’s fight against Leukemia over the last few months, there is some new encouraging news to report: Courtesy of According to reports in the Polish media, Adam “Nergal” Darski, the 33-year-old leukemia-stricken guitarist/vocalist…

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