Inside The Half Black Heart: An Interview with Ash Costello “I used to really like debate  and talk to myself a lot about making the right musical choices and now I just don’t care what anyone thinks, I just don’t”

New Years Day are currently in the UK for the first full tour in 5 years. Here at Rock Sins we were fortunate enough to sit down with band Vocalist and figurehead Ash Costello to discuss a variety of topics, including coming out of the pandemic,  new music, the bands 20th anniversary and much more….

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Interview: Wolf

We’re still blasting the new WOLF album here at Rock Sins, Shadowland is some proper heavy metal by a proper heavy metal band. We caught up with Niklas Stålvind to see what he thought of the reaction to the album and most importantly, when are they coming to see us in the UK??  Firstly, thanks…

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A New Beginning: An Interview with Matthew Leone of Madina Lake: “Be yourself in any situation every time without exception.”

“Madina Lake never ended on our terms”, so says Madina Lake bassist Matthew Leone. But now they’re back and ready to write a better ending with new EP The Beginning of New Endings. Rock Sins’ Claire Frays caught up with Matthew to talk all about the EP, their upcoming live stream shows, that time Matthew’s…

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Those Damn Crows 2020 Promo Photo

An Interview With Those Damn Crows: “We can’t say “we’re gonna fly the flag for Wales!” – most of Wales listens to Hip-Hop now…”

For those unfamiliar with Those Damn Crows, imagine all the best bits of American mainstream rock, wrapped up in songs that are actually good and presented with something resembling an actual personality and you’re almost there. For the last 18 months, these Welsh rockers have been tearing it up on bigger and bigger stages as…

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A New Perspective: Introducing Westview: “Country has become a lot more inclusive, and that affords a rock ‘n’ roll band to throw their name in the hat.”

In this interview we meet Westview. If they sound a little familiar, then you might just remember them under the name Stellar Revival who played a blinder of a set on the main stage at Download Festival eight years ago. Now back with an all new project with an added “Nashville twist” and some catchy…

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Blood Youth December 2019 Promo Photo

Out of the Darkness: An Interview With Kaya Tarsus From Blood Youth: “Writing Starve was literally one of the darkest moments of my life”

Blood Youth are one of the most exciting bands in British metal right now. Their current album Starve struck a nerve with audiences upon release and fans have really embraced them off the back of it. 2019 saw Blood Youth go from strength to strength with some incredible highs along the way including European Festival…

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An Interview With Wednesday 13: ” I look at it like Frankenstein going around collecting his own parts instead of a doctor doing it, I want to keep making this monster bigger, stronger and everything”

Wednesday 13 is someone who has appeared across the musical landscape in many guises over the years, whether its as a Frankenstein Drag Queen from the Planet 13, A Murderdoll or most recently and perhaps most terrifiyingly as himself.The Duke of Spook is always up for a little reinvention. We were able to catch up…

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