Inside The Half Black Heart: An Interview with Ash Costello “I used to really like debate  and talk to myself a lot about making the right musical choices and now I just don’t care what anyone thinks, I just don’t”

New Years Day are currently in the UK for the first full tour in 5 years. Here at Rock Sins we were fortunate enough to sit down with band Vocalist and figurehead Ash Costello to discuss a variety of topics, including coming out of the pandemic,  new music, the bands 20th anniversary and much more….

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Oni – The Silver Line

Jake Oni dropped one of the surprise hidden gems of last year with Loathing Light, under his Oni moniker. It was an album that I enjoyed, while also addressing that it did seem to have a bit of an identity crisis. Oni is back with a follow up already in the form of The Silver…

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